There are 72 module positions. If no module is published to a position, it will not appear, collapsing the entire area.
Non-Standard Elements
There are non-standard elements that are injected into the template grid structure when enabled via the template parameter, such as the logo into header-a. These features stack vertically with any modules published to that position.
You can change the positions of these elements at Extensions → Template Manager → (J15) rt_enigma_j15 or (J17) rt_enigma
Layout Control
Control all modules positions with Gantry, in terms of widths within the module row, and left/right/middle placement for the mainbody/sidebar area.
Gantry Framework : Layouts Documentation
Preview Positions
View all module positions live by appending ?tp=1 or &tp=1 to the end of your URL such as
The below diagram is of the Module Variations page.
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