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Access the Style Control settings from: Admin → Extensions → Template Manager → (J15) rt_enigma_j15 or (J17) rt_enigma → Settings

Simple configure the options, then save and Gantry will automatically load the modified preset to your site.

Style Settings

  • Background Level: Low - Med - High; Determine the background detailing level
  • CSS Style: Style 1-8; Set which style set you wish to load
  • Read More Style: Button and Link; Set the read more link styling for the template
  • Load Transition: On - Off; Enable or disable the page loading transition animation effects
  • Web Fonts: On - Off, Google Font Directory; WebFonts allow you to use 3rd party WebFonts from providers such as Google. You must SHOW then APPLY before the new fonts will show up in the Font Family dropdown.
  • Font Settings: Select a font family from the available options and also choose a default font size
    • Font Family: Enigma, Geneva, Optima, Helvetica, Trebuchet, Lucida, Georgia, Palatino, or Various Google Fonts (dropdown)
    • Font Size: Default, Extra Large, Large, Small, Extra Small (dropdown)

Assigning a Style to a Specific Page

With Gantry, the ability to assign a certain style to an individual page has never been easier and/or more efficient. Just follow these simple steps:

  • (J15) Go to Extensions → Template Manager → rt_enigma_j15 → Menu Items → *Menu Item*
  • (J17) Go to Extensions → Template Manager → rt_enigma → Assignments → *Menu Item*

  • (J15) Select your preset from Presets → Style Presets, configure and save.
  • (J17) Select your preset from Show Presets, configure and save.
Gantry Framework: Per Menu Item Controls

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